IMF’s recent engagements on infrastructure governance

Enhancing the Performance of Public Investment Management March 2017
Public Investment Management Reform Next Steps March 2018
Strengthening the Performance of Public Investment Management Next Phase April 2019
Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA) June 2022
Climate PIMA (C-PIMA) September 2023
PIMA and C-PIMA Follow-Up October 2024



Summary of PIMA report

(Published in November 2022)


Since the end of the Uganda civil war in 1986, the significant and sustained increase in infrastructure investment has been alternately driven by spurts of both private and public investment. The high level of public investment in recent years reflects large public sector projects, including major road corridors and large hydropower projects throughout the country. Significant expansion of oil related infrastructure, and road and rail networks are planned for the medium term. Uganda’s level of public investment recently surpassed the Sub Sahara Africa (SSA) and Low-Income Developing Country (LIDC) averages but remains below regional comparators. Uganda’s capital stock is still significantly lower than LIDC, SSA averages and peer comparators. Section I of this report describes trends in public investment over the last decades.


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