IMF’s recent engagements on infrastructure governance

Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA) - BiH Institutions and Federation of BiH February 2018
Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA) - Rep. Srpska and Brcko District October 2023
PIMA Update - BiH Institutions and Federation of BiH April 2024
Further Strengthening of PIM - BiH Institutions November 2024



Summary of PIMA report

(Published in April 2024)


There have been significant improvements in public investment management (PIM) in Republika Srpska (RS) over the last decade and the legal and institutional design is now ahead of many regional comparators. The effectiveness of the PIM framework is lagging behind its design, and continued strong and consistent reform efforts will be important to eliminate remaining obstacles to efficient public investment. Many of these reforms are already underway or planned.


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