IMF’s recent engagements on infrastructure governance

Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA) December 2015
Follow up on PIMA recommendations February 2016
Follow up on PIMA and Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) April 2017
Follow up on PIMA and MTEF October 2017
Follow-up on PIMA March 2018
PIMA Follow-up April 2018
PIMA Update May 2023
Climate PIMA (C-PIMA) May 2023



Summary of PIMA Update report

(Published in October 2023)


Infrastructure has played an important role in the emergence of Kosovo, its institutions and its economy. The post-war period brought a need for new and rebuilt infrastructure and required the rapid building of public institutions that could support that public investment. Following independence in 2009, infrastructure investment levels have not been sufficient to maintain estimated levels of capital stock relative to the size of the economy, which continue to be low by regional standards. 


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