Infrastructure Governance

Countries lose over one-third of potential benefits from infrastructure investment due to inefficiencies. Strong infrastructure governance can reduce more than half of these inefficiencies. The IMF can help countries strengthen infrastructure governance.


Learn more about the IMF's Role in Infrastructure Governance





How to Improve Public Investment Management in Low-Income Countries



Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA) Handbook



Strengthening Infrastructure Governance for Climate-Responsive Public Investment (Climate PIMA)



Boosting Climate Responsiveness in Sub-Saharan Africa’s Public Investment



IMF's Investment and Capital Stock Database - May 2021 Update

Note: Country borders or names do not necessarily reflect the IMF’s official position.

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The Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA) Framework

The PIMA framework examines 15 institutions of public investment in each participating country.

(Click on the interactive chart to explore)




    Cross-Cutting Institutions
Legal Framework, IT System, Staff Capacity


PIMA is a comprehensive framework to assess infrastructure governance practices for countries at all levels of economic development. PIMA evaluates 15 institutions involved in the three key stages of the public investment cycle: planning, allocation and implementation. PIMA also assesses three cross-cutting factors that often impact the overall effectiveness of public investment management: IT system, legal frameworkand, and staff capacity.


Furthermore, as countries are increasingly interested in mobilizing private sector resources for public investment, the IMF is helping countries assess the potential fiscal costs and risks arising from Public Private Partnerships (PPPs).